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 Some personal highlights, chosen because... I can  
2. Reissues and rewrites
See also Sexton Blake Saved My Turkey - click here >>

and Large Type Killer - click here >> 

No. 394, November 1957.

"She was two women - one of them a killer!"

The byline on this one reads: "Jack Trevor Story - Author of the Screen Play "THESE DANGEROUS YEARS." Reprinted as a hardback in 1970 by Howard Baker Publishers Ltd, the imprint of original SBL series editor Bill Howard Baker. The Season of the Skylark and Company of Bandits were also reissued by Baker.

No. 407, June 1958

"Harry Jukes was a rock'n'roll Romeo, a coffee bar lizard--but was he a cop-killer?" "An innocent man condemned to death... can Sexton Blake beat the clock?"

Rewritten, and filmed, as Mix Me A Person (details>> )  in which Sexton Blake is transformed into a lady psychiatrist. The film featured pop singer turned actor Adam Faith. (Anybody out there got this on VHS?)

No. 487, November 1961

"His sentimental journey ended in a maelstrom of violence!"

Blake revisits an old flame and his Cambridge University past.

This was rewritten as Dishonourable Member - "Dope, danger, dirty work... and a randy MP on the loose."

The Sexton Blake character of the original became Bill Straker MP (?anag.) in the new version.

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